Data Science Enthusiast and skilled in C, C++,JAVA & python with an insight into Machine Learning & Deep Learning. My strength lies in Team Work and Honesty...Always ready to take up new challenges and passionate to learn the latest technologies in the market.
Projects for Machine Learning - Salary Predictor, Titanic Survival Predictor, Breast Cancer Predictor, Spam Classification WebApp, Optimal Basket Predictor.
Projects for Deep Learning - Credit Card Fraud Detection, Face Detection, Number Plate detection, Counting Number of Fingers Shown, Cats & Dogs Classification.
Projects for Web Development - Spam Classification WebApp, Tindog Website, Simon Game Website, Drumkit Website, Basic CV Website.
Hackerrank - C( Gold Badge) and Python( Silver Badge)
Attended several online hackathons by companies like CodeNinjas, etc.
National Level Basketball Player since 2014.
Computer Science Engg.
Presently in 4th year
Aggregate 0f 8.68 CGPA
Overall - 82%
Computer-91,Physics-84,Chemistry-74, Maths84, English-81
Overall - 9.4 CGPA
Computer Science,Science, Maths, Social Science, English, Hindi